Network Cable Tester

Network Cable Tester

( Item#: C119 )

2025-02-23 15:45:39



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Test of double-twisted cables: Switch on the power. (S is slow automatic grade, Mis manual.) Put cables into both main tester and remote tester. The lights of the main tester will turn on sequently form 1 to G.
Main tester: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-G
Remote tester: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-G RJ45
1-2-3-4-5-6 RJ11
Following are abnormal connections:
If one cable, for example cable NO.3 is open circuited, the two NO.3 lights of the main tseter and remote tester will not turn on.
If several cables are not connected, several lights will not turn on respectively. If less than two cables are conntected, none of the lights is on.
If two ends of a cable is disordered, for example NO. 2and NO. 4, then displays on:
Main tester: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-G
Remote tester: 1-4-3-2-5-6-7-8-G
If two cables are short circuited, neither of the corresponding lights is on of the remote tester while main tester remains unchanged. If three cables, including three, are short circuited, none of the corresponding liaghts is on.
If test patch panels or wall plate outlels, two cables which can match each other (RJ45) will be connected to the tester.
If test cables of the same axes, BNC turns on when the cable works.

9V reduplicated battery is used in this tester. Battery is advised to change if any weak light oppears.( Battery is not included.)

Colour: white
Main tseter
Size: 105*67*28mm
Weight: 74g
Remote tester
Size: 105*38*28mm
Weight: 47

Package size: 185*113*34mm
Package weight: 175g

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